+55 51 3723.3000 - Rua Ricardo Schaurich, 3861 - CEP 96.503-656
Distrito Industrial III - Cachoeira do Sul / RS - Brasil
Screw Conveyors
Our Screw Conveyors are developed using specific technology for production with SAE 1010 steel, SAE 1020 gavanized steel, stainless steel and a range of thickness and dimensions.
Supplied in 3 meter intermediate modules from 0.5 to 3.5 meters, outlet module with discharge lid, intermediate modules with bearings, seal with lids and closing with quick closing system to optimize maintenance process.
Screw Conveyors provide automation to the production processes of various segments, low maintenance, high durability with excellent production rates, quick replacement of components.
Our company aims for efficiency in all processes, acting at all with excellence in order to provide total satisfaction to our customers with compliance to the requirements of ISO 9001:2008.
Indicated for transportation of granulated products in warehouses, silos and feeders.
Products such as minerals, feed, paste products, used in the food industry, products intended for industrialization, among other segments.